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On Gods, Goddesses, and other Necessary Beings.


Today is the 9th of July 2023, meaning there are 205 days remaining until the release of House of Flame and Shadow.

It may seem like a long wait ahead, but this is the calm before the storm. Who knows what surprises Sarah J Maas has for us? How many ways will our hearts break this time? We can't know what she's planning, but we can prepare.

Over the next 205 let's talk all things Maasiverse. Here we'll share a reading guide of sorts, we'll break down timelines, characters, world-building, and of course - discuss theories. We'll identify the kernels Sarah has left for us in Throne of Glass, A Court of Thorns and Roses, and Crescent City.

Today, we're going to start at the beginning. A guide to the Gods and Goddesses of Erelia and as seen in Throne of Glass. Although we last left these Gods to suffer Aelin's 'mercy'- I am not entirely convinced we won't meet some of them again- so best to get familiar.

Excited to go through the rift with you all.

To whatever end,


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Jul 11, 2023

Yesss I appreciate all of this! I think I'm overdue for a TOG reread! Might be a good time in the lead up to CC3.


Amy Hansson
Amy Hansson
Jul 10, 2023

I've only read ACOTAR so need to get my a into g and start on the rest. 205 days will be plenty!

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